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Writer's pictureDiane Reynolds

One Year Down

I can't believe it's been a year since we started our Homeless Outreach. We've done outreach work for over nine years, but to be the hands and feet on the streets is very different. To hand a pair of shoes to someone who is barefoot, give someone a coat who is shivering, wrap someone in a blanket who's sleeping on the ground, or give someone who is hungry a delicious homemade meal, these hands-on experiences are life changing.

Our outreach has grown, but sadly, so has the homeless population. Where we started out serving 60 meals, we now serve 200. The people we serve are so grateful for the love we bring. You don't hear excuses or self pity. You hear hope and endurance. You hear accountability and determination. They openly share their stories and, while some will bring a tear to your eye, their vows to overcome their history and circumstances are inspiring. And true to the word of many, we don't see them again as they move forward and find employment and housing. For most, this is just a season.

The work we do is hard mentally, physically and emotionally. But it is what Jesus instructed us to do. To provide for the less fortunate and love our neighbors. Our help comes without condition. We don't require anyone to listen to a sermon or become a Christian. We don't care about your color, orientation, religion, politics or any other descriptor that tries to divide us. We simply want to serve. But we can't do it alone. We are desperate for help. We work out of our home, we have no overhead, we take no salary. 100% of your donations go directly to our outreach work to purchase supplies. That's 200 meals, 200 cups of hot coffee, 200 hygiene packs and 200 pairs of socks that have to be purchased. Please help us continue our work. You can donate through our website, send us a check, or purchase supplies through our Amazon Wish List link below.

If you'd like to join our next outreach, volunteers are always welcome.

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